Artists, Art, Guides and Visitors / Animal Farm


Artists, Art, Guides and Visitors – Animal Farm is an exhibition at XX Multiple Gallery in Rotterdam South. It was put together by Ronald Cornelissen with the help of Piet de Jonge. With Atelier van Lieshout, Hein Dingemans, Erik van Lieshout, Hermann Nitsch, The Sun City Girls, Ossip van Duivenbode and Ronald Cornelissen.

Thanks to: Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, DG Charlois Fonds, Atelier Herenplaats en Robert Schmidt and Renee van Staveren.

The Life and Times of Ron Away


The Life and Times of Ron Away
Installations and sculptures by Ronald Cornelissen

The Life and Times of Ron Away focuses on Cornelissen’s sculptures and installations made between 1998 and 2014.  Studies and documentation of the generation and the demise of the sculptures are also included in the publication. Most of Ronald Cornelissen’s sculptures and installations are destroyed after being shown. This means that, apart from the few models which have survived, this publication is the only material record of these works. Arnold Mosselman wrote the introduction for the book and the English curator Tom Morton has written an essay for the book which has been designed by Simon Davies.

Order at:
MEUZE Foundation
Schepenstraat 48A-I
3039 NJ Rotterdam
+31 6 38 37 90 14 –

The Life and Times of Ron Away was published by the MEUZE Foundation.
320 pages – English – paperback
Price: 40 euro

Noise Camp 19


Noise Camp 19 on John C Lodge Service Drive on November 18th 2013
With Davin Brainard, Dion Fisher, Claire d’Aoust, Warren Defever and Ronald Cornelissen.

Video stills by Davin Brainard.