Prix Canson 2011


On Thursday, 9 June, at a ceremony held at the Louvre museum, the 2011 Canson Prize was awarded by Gérard Garouste and his panel of judges to Dutch artist Ronald Cornelissen.

Stéphane Hamelin, President of the Canson Fund for Art and Paper, presented Ronald Cornelissen
with the 2011 Canson Prize designed and created by Matali Crasset, a leading figure in French design.

According to Gérard Garouste, President of the Prize, “Ronald Cornelissen is one of those artists who play with simple elements to create a personal subject, with figurative patterns and perspectives”.

Since 1988, Ronald Cornelissen has been producing drawings, sculptures and installations which highlight the individual’s relationship with his/her immediate surroundings and the resulting frictions.

Photo: Chris Kennedy.



Since 1988, visual artist Ronald Cornelissen has been making drawings, sculptures and installations. The relationship between the individual and his or her direct (urban) environment and the friction this evokes are a central theme in the artist’s work.

This publication provides for the first time a major survey of Cornelissen’s drawings from 2004 until now. Included are two texts: one by English curator and art critic Tom Morton, who in his personal and dynamic manner gives his vision of the artist’s drawings, the other by Peter Nijenhuis, visual arts program director of K13, who looks in detail at the distinctive drawing style (or lack of it) in Cornelissen’s work.

Published in 2011 – 64 pages in full color – design: Simon Davies

Price: € 15,00 (shipping not included)

To order TOOSH contact Ronald Cornelissen. As soon as I have received your order I will email you an invoice for your order that includes the shipping cost and bank details. I will send you the package when you have paid.

This publication was made possible with the support of The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture  Amsterdam and Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam.

Many thanks: Chris Kennedy, Arnold Mosselman and Marieke Wiegel.


Ink, pencil, watercolor and sepia on paper – 80 x 140 cm – 2011

Inkt, potlood, waterverf en sepia op papier – 80 x 140 cm – 2011



Hell Yes: How The West was won
Ink, pencil and sepia on paper – 102 x 72 cm – 2008

Hell Yes: Funhouse
Ink, pencil, sepia and collage on paper – 110 x 70 cm – 2010